Is It a Tear or Just a Tendinitis? Understanding your Achilles Tendon Injury


Do you have significant pain in your calf or near your heel with each step when walking? You may be dealing with an Achilles tendon injury.

Let’s get into the anatomy and symptoms to better understand what is happening at your Achilles tendon and what you can do about it.


What is an Achilles tendon injury?

An Achilles tendon injury is any type of tissue damage that occurs to the Achilles tendon. The Achilles is the strong tendon that attaches your calf muscles to your heel bone.

An Achilles tendon injury could be a tendinitis indicating an inflammatory response at the tendon itself. Or you could completely tear the Achilles tendon resulting immense pain and an inability to push off the foot when walking.


What are the symptoms of an Achilles tendon injury?

The symptoms with an Achilles tendon injury will vary depending on the extent of damage to the tendon.

In the case of Achilles tendinitis, you will most likely experience a burning sensation in the area of the tendon and potentially up into the calf muscles. This sensation will be worsened with walking as your Achilles tendon and calf muscles are some of the primary structures involved with walking.

If you tore your Achilles tendon, you will often hear a loud pop when the injury occurs and experience severe pain and swelling in the area above your heel bone. Often you will be unable to walk and push off the injured leg if you completely tore the Achilles tendon.


What causes an Achilles tendon injury?

Achilles tendon injuries are most commonly caused by overuse.

If your calf muscle is weak or if you exhibit mobility deficits at your ankle, this can result in excessive shearing at the Achilles with walking and result in a tendinitis with repetitive activities.

An Achilles tendon tear is most often caused by a quick stop and pivot motion followed by pushing off of the foot while playing a sport.


Potential diagnoses

If you have injured your Achilles tendon, you will most likely receive on the following diagnoses:

  • Achilles tendinitis (acute injury)
  • Achilles tendinopathy (chronic tendon issue)
  • Partial Achilles tendon tear
  • Complete Achilles tendon tear


Did you know?

Did you know that the majority of individuals who completely rupture their Achilles tendon are middle aged men?

A full Achilles tendon tear is often called the “weekend warrior” injury because it primarily happens in men who are middle aged who play a sport on a weekend every so often.

Because these men are not training for the sport and don’t play it frequently, when they ask their bodies to perform at a higher level they often injure the Achilles tendon that is involved in helping you quickly pivot and then push off to chase a ball or react.

How is Achilles Tendon injury treated?

At The Hijama Clinic we are specialised in assessing and treating people with Achilles Tendon injury.

At The Hijama Clinic Manchester we will do a thorough assessment in order to find the real cause of your injury. A treatment plan will be developed to ensure a speedy recovery with long term results and no recurrence. An Individualised exercise program will be prescribed to you as well.

The Hijama Clinic Manchester is going to use some of the modalities below as assessment and treatment tools (click on the links below for more information).


If you would like more information of how THE HIJAMA CLINIC Manchester can help with this condition, or to book an assessment please call:





WhatsApp : 0788-788-77-01



If you have the following issues and experience the symptoms below, we are here to help:

Achillies tendon pain when walking, Achillies tendon pain running, Achillies tendon rupture, Achillies tendon and knee pain, Achillies tendon injury, Achillies tendon symptoms, Achillies tendon strecthes, Achillies tendon exercises, Achillies tendon treatment , Achillies tendon causes. Achillies tendon NHS, Achillies tendonpain  relief. Achillies tendon pain Manchester ,  Bury ,  Rochdale ,  Whitefield. Cupping therapy. Cupping clinic , Cupping benefits , Cupping Manchester, Cupping Oldham , Cupping Rochdale, Cupping Bury, Cupping Whitefield. Acupuncture, Acupuncture benefits, massage, Sports massage , Hijama clinic, Hijama benefits, Hijama cupping, Achillies tendon cupping, Achillies tendon acupuncture.

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