Have you ever been running when all of a sudden you had a sharp pain on your outer knee? If this sounds like you, you may have IT Band Syndrome.
To learn if your outer knee pain is being caused by your IT Band, keep reading!
What is IT Band Syndrome?
IT Band syndrome is a condition in which your IT band grinds abnormally against your femur and tibia resulting in pain when your knee bends and straightens.
Your IT Band is a long and strong fascial tissue that runs from your hip down to the outside of your knee and is designed to help stabilize your knee and hip. When there are tissue restrictions along the IT band, it will result in abnormal mechanics along the outside of your lower extremity.
What are the symptoms of IT Band Syndrome?
The symptoms of IT band are usually a sharp localized pain right on the outside of your knee joint. Some people will point just below the knee joint as well as this is where the IT Band attaches.
Some people also describe a popping sound or sensation that occurs at their outer knee as they bend and straighten the knee.
In other cases, people will describe a burning sensation along the IT band indicating an inflammatory response.
What causes IT Band syndrome?
IT Band syndrome is typically an overuse injury. The overuse secondary to an activity, typically running, results in increased friction between the IT band.
This friction causes an inflammatory response to occur and this results in pain any time the knee moves.
Potential Diagnoses
IT Band syndrome can be a diagnosis that occurs in isolation, but it’s important to rule out other conditions that mimic IT Band Syndrome or may be accompanying your IT Band syndrome.
The following are examples of diagnoses that may need to be ruled out or may be occurring alongside IT Band syndrome:
- Lateral meniscus injury or tear
- Lateral hip tendinopathy (glute med teninopathy)
- Tibial stress syndrome
Did you know?
Did you know your IT Band can withstand up to 2,000 pounds of pressure?
It is truly the strongest myofascial structure in the human body. And because of this, when there is a break down anywhere along the IT band you will then lose some stability and use compensatory strategies.
It’s important to address IT Band pain as soon as possible to prevent further injuries or compensation patterns along your leg.