Chiropractic Treatment

What is Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment is a service in which a chiropractor directly manipulates the vertebrae of your spine to help improve your mobility and reduce pain.

Chiropractors are trained in specific joint manipulation techniques for varying areas of the spine and have been proven effective for reducing both acute and chronic pain in the neck, mid back, and low back.

Chiropractic treatment is typically the treatment of choice when an individual needs to correct the alignment of their spine.


How is Chiropractic Treatment done?

Your chiropractor will first assess the injured or painful area to identify where any joint mobility restrictions may be present.

This assessment will often include direct palpation of the individual vertebrae in the painful or injured region. In some chiropractic offices, they may also x-ray the area to further assess the segments involved.

After a thorough assessment, the chiropractor will then select the area that needs to be manipulated and perform direct manipulation at the level of the vertebrae that is causing the problem.

The manipulation may include regions above or below the injured or painful area to help assure that the entire movement chain is functioning properly.

Often you will hear a “pop” sound when you get manipulated by your chiropractor. This pop is called a cavitation.

Cavitation simply indicates that the manipulation was able to adjust the joint in a way that effectively will release endorphins.

However, research has shown that joint manipulation without the pop or cavitation is also successful in reducing pain and improving joint mobility.

You should feel no pain with the joint manipulation and you will experience greater ease with your postural alignment in relation to your spine after a treatment.

Chiropractic adjustments or manipulation may take several sessions before you are able to fully restore your mobility and eliminate your pain.


What is the aim of chiropractic treatment?

The primary aim of chiropractic treatment is to restore joint mobility at the level of the vertebrae and reduce your overall pain.

Chiropractic treatment can also be used to help you improve your overall postural alignment.

Individuals with scoliosis may benefit significantly from chiropractic treatment as the manipulation can be used to help address any asymmetries that are present along the spine.

Chiropractic manipulation of the neck can also be helpful for alleviating vertigo symptoms that are being caused by a vertebra in your neck being out of alignment.

Through improving the joint mobility and reducing your pain, chiropractic treatments are able to restore your ability to get back to doing your day-to-day activities without limitations or poor mechanics.


Benefits of chiropractic treatment

  • Reduced acute or chronic pain, especially in the spine
  • Improved postural alignment
  • Improved joint mobility at any segment of your spine
  • Release of endorphins to help modulate your pain response
  • Improved functional capacity secondary to restored joint mobility
  • Eliminate dysfunctional movement patterns at the level of the vertebrae
  • Treat and ease symptoms related to scoliosis
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Reduces arthritic pain
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Eliminate vertigo symptoms