What is IASTM?

IASTM is an acronym that stands for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation.

It is a safe and effective therapeutic technique where a skilled provider uses an instrument that is usually made of metal or stone to promote changes in your soft tissue.

IASTM is a powerful treatment method that can be used to alleviate pain and restore optimal function to an area of your body.

This technique allows your provider to target deeper tissues that promote physiological adaptations necessary for healing.

These physiological adaptations will reduce your pain and speed up your recovery in a way that cannot always be achieved with traditional massage.

How is IASTM done?

The exact technique of IASTM will vary based on the needs of your individual body.

Your skilled provider will assess whether they need to utilise techniques to break up scar tissue or mobilise your soft tissues to enhance fascial mobility or improve circulation.

You may need multiple techniques performed in different areas of your body to achieve the desired effect.

After a thorough assessment, your provider will then select a tool designed for that region of your body and will glide the tool along your muscles and fascia to create the desired change in the tissue.

The depth and pressure will all vary based on your personal preference and the response of the tissue as the provider does the work.

In many cases, your provider will want to work an entire movement chain of your body to assure that there are no fascial or tissue restrictions along that chain causing your pain or dysfunction.

Common body chains that are treated with IASTM include:

  • The upper extremity chain (from the shoulder blade down to the hand)
  • The lower extremity chain (from the hip down to the toes)
  • The trunk chain (neck, upper and lower back)

What is the aim of IASTM?

The aim of IASTM is to increase circulation to your muscles and fascia while also improving the tissue mobility.

The increased circulation will help to stimulate a healthy tissue healing response in an injured area and will flush out toxic inflammatory chemicals in the area.

This is why some individuals will experience redness or bruising in the targeted area after having an IASTM treatment.

The tissue bruising is a good sign as it indicates that the IASTM has helped to stimulate the healing response and draw nutrients into the area.

IASTM is also a particularly helpful technique for breaking up fascial adhesions and scar tissue that may be limiting mobility at a joint in your body.

If you have had a significant injury or operative procedure, IASTM can be utilised to assure that scar tissue does not limit your joint mobility and reduce your risk of re-injuring the area.

Benefits of IASTM

Some of the most notable benefits of using IASTM are the following:

  • Increased circulation to healing tissues
  • Reduced pain
  • Breaks up scar tissue and fascial adhesions
  • Speeds up recovery time after an injury
  • Relieves sore muscles
  • Reduce inflammation in an area of the body
  • Improved muscle and fascial mobility
  • Enhance joint mobility (especially post operatively)