Wrist Sprains: Navigating Aftermath of Falling on Your Hands
When we fall, it’s instinctive to put our hands out to catch ourselves. Unfortunately, this means that we often injure our hands and wrist. The most common injury that occurs in the upper extremity with a fall is a wrist sprain. Let’s dive in to better understand exactly what you need to know about wrist […]
What is a Trapped Nerve and Can It Be Fixed?
Has your physician ever told you that the pain going down your arm might be coming from a trapped or pinched nerve? If so, you might be confused as to what that means or where exactly the nerve is trapped. To understand what exactly a trapped nerve is and what can be done about it, […]
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Clicking Jaw
Do you feel a clicking or popping every time you open your jaw? Or have you ever had your jaw get stuck open or closed? It’s very likely that you have an issue at your TMJ, otherwise known as your temporomandibular joint. If you ignore these symptoms, they could progress and cause issues at other […]
All the Reasons Your Shoulder Might Hurt
Do you feel a sharp pain every time you reach your arm overhead? Or have you found that you can’t lay on one side because if you do your shoulder will ache? If this sounds like you, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that you are experiencing shoulder pain. But let’s dive […]
What You Need to Know About That Pinch in Your Shoulder
Do you feel a sharp pinch anytime you raise your arm overhead? Or maybe you can’t tuck in your shirt behind your back because you get a pinching pain at the front of your shoulder. In each of these cases, you may just have a condition called shoulder impingement. To figure out if your symptoms […]
Why You Keep Getting Shin Splints
Do you get a burning or aching sensation at the front of your shin when you walk, run, or participate in your favourite sport? You very well may have shin splints. Many people assume that the symptoms will go away on their own with time. And while that may be true in some cases, if […]
Scoliosis: When a Back Curve Goes Too Far
Has your doctor ever pointed to an x-ray of your back and said, “It looks like you have scoliosis”? If so, you might feel anxious and stressed out because it sounds like a scary diagnosis. But before you freak out, let’s dive in to understand exactly what scoliosis is and what that means for you […]
Sciatica: Understanding When that Pain Down Your Leg is and is NOT coming from your Low Back
Has your friend ever told you that the reason their lower back hurts is because of their sciatica? Sciatica is a term that is thrown around often in our society when it comes to lower back pain. But it’s important to understand that sciatica and back pain are not synonymous. So let’s dive into exactly […]
Why Does the Front of Your Knee Ache with Running?
If you’ve ever been running and felt a deep ache near your kneecap, odds are you are dealing with a case of “runner’s knee”. It may be tempting to just keep running through the pain, but doing this has the potential to result in permanent damage at your knee. This article will explain exactly what […]
Is Your Shoulder Pain Coming From Your Rotator Cuff?
If you have ever experienced any type of shoulder pain, it’s likely you have heard the term rotator cuff. But despite this term being tossed around by many medical professionals, few people actually fully understand what the rotator cuff is and why it matters. So let’s dive in to understand exactly what the rotator cuff […]