Electrical Muscle Stimulation Services

What are EMS services?

EMS services stand for electrical muscle stimulation services.

These services use a small electrical current to help stimulate tissue to promote healing and reduce pain.


How is EMS done?

There are several techniques for utilizing EMS. It’s important to remember that the amount of electrical current used is always small and non-painful.

One technique is electro-acupuncture in which two needles are placed in the injured area and then a machine is used to send a current between the two needles.

Another way EMS can be performed is to apply the current through electro-cupping. The cups are applied to the injured area and then a small electrical current is applied to further stimulate tissue healing.

In other cases, your provider may simply apply electrode pads directly to your skin in the injured area and deliver the current through these electrodes.

The amount of current and duration of the treatment will vary based on your individual needs.

You may experience small muscle contractions with EMS services depending on the intent of the treatment.


What is the aim of EMS services?

The primary aim of EMS services are to reduce pain and enhance the healing response to allow you to recovery faster.

In some cases, EMS can be used to teach a muscle how to engage again and strengthen a muscle.


Benefits of EMS Services

  • Decreased pain
  • Improved circulation to injured tissues
  • Reduced inflammatory response
  • Neuromuscular re-education of a muscle
  • Enhanced release of your own body’s opioids
  • Prevent loss of muscle mass
  • Stimulate muscular relaxation