Tecar Therapy

What is Tecar Therapy?

Tecar Therapy, also known as capacitive and resistive electrical transfer, is a therapeutic technique that uses a combination of heat and electrical stimulation in the form of radio waves to help your body heal faster.

The evidence shows that is effective for significantly reducing pain in a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions ranging from fractures to chronic low back pain.

Because of the ability to adapt the current to the individual needs of your body, Tecar Therapy is helpful in treating both soft tissue dysfunction and bony disorders.

How is Tecar Therapy done?

Tecar Therapy is performed using an electrode sensor that is hooked up to a machine that delivers a high frequency current.

Your skilled provider will often be gently moving the sensor along the injured or painful area. In other cases, an electrode will be placed to a particular area of your body and will not be moved.

The intensity of the electrical stimulation and duration of the treatment will depend on what your provider determines is appropriate for your body’s tissue along with your reported comfort with the treatment.

You will often feel the tissue underneath the sensor heat up and feel a light buzzing sensation as well.

You will not experience any pain as a result of treatment and many individuals report feeling a sense of relaxation directly after a Tecar Therapy treatment.

Depending on the extent of your tissue injury, you may or may not need multiple sessions of Tecar Therapy to achieve the desired effect and promote full restoration of the injured tissue.

What is the aim of Tecar Therapy?

The aim of Tecar Therapy is to reduce your overall pain response while also enhancing your body’s ability to heal from an acute injury or chronic dysfunction.

The electrical stimulation of Tecar Therapy helps to block the painful nerve signals from the injured tissue to the brain, which stops the nerve signals from compounding to a level where they make your pain increase to an uncontrollable level.

The heat helps draw more blood flow into the injured tissue to help supply the tissue with essential nutrients for healing and reduce the inflammatory response in the injured area.

The heat will also increase your metabolic response which results in quicker regeneration of injured tissues.

The electrical energy can also be used to stimulate deeper tissues to heal in a way that other superficial modalities cannot achieve.

There are few risks associated with Tecar Therapy, which makes it an excellent alternative treatment option for reducing pain when compared to other harmful options such as pain killers.

Benefits of Tecar Therapy?

Tecar therapy is used for a wide variety of populations ranging from athletes with sports-related injuries to older adults with chronic aches and pains.

Some of the well-documented benefits of Tecar Therapy are as follows:

  • Decrease your overall pain response
  • Enhance blood flow to an area
  • Speed up your metabolic response to assist tissue healing
  • Help you recover faster
  • Enhanced tissue regeneration in an injured area
  • Reduce muscular soreness, especially in athletic populations
  • Reduced nerve-related pain and discomfort
  • Enhance athletic performance and prevent injury
  • Reduced swelling in an injured area
  • Post-operative pain management