PRP Therapy for Rosacea

Achieve Your Best Skin Yet

Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation.
Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation. Take control of redness with a personalised formulation.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea affects up to 1 in 10 of us, and is a long-lasting inflammatory skin condition that mainly affects the skin on our faces. It’s most commonly found in people with lighter skin tones (though it can affect any skin tone) and while it can develop at any age, usually affects people after the age of 30.

The main symptoms of rosacea are flushing, redness, spots and dilated blood vessels. It usually affects the centre of the face, but it can also affect the eyes, too.

The underlying cause of rosacea is complex and not fully understood , but it’s thought to be influenced by several factors.

These include genetics, the immune system, micro-organisms (like the Demodex mite), damage from ultraviolet light and dysfunction of blood vessels.

How long does it take to treat rosacea?

Every person is different, and while most will see results within 2-3 months on average, others might clear faster or take longer. Once your skin is clear, we’ll progress your treatment to a personalised solution that’s designed to maintain your results and keep your skin clear – which will work to prevent any future flare-ups.

Often, the redness of rosacea can be harder to treat than the spots and in some cases, additional treatments might be needed.

We’re always here to guide you through your treatment, whether you’ve got questions, need advice or want to change your formulation.

We’ll check in with you to see how well you’re responding, and whether you need a change in your treatment plan.

Why choose us

Revive Skin Clinic

Your Partner in Achieving Radiant Skin

At Revive Skin Clinic, we offer personalised Creams and a range of PRP, Microneedling, Profihlo treatments to help our patients achieve their best skin health.

Whether you are looking to reduce the appearance of age lines, pigmentation, or acne or simply want to improve your overall skin glow and health, we have a treatment that can help.

Our experienced team of professionals uses the latest techniques and equipment to provide safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatments that deliver real results.

Book Your Consultation at Revive Skin Clinic Today

Contact us today to schedule your consultation or Book a treatment and learn more about how we can help you achieve your best skin yet.